M○C△ is a testament to those who dared to believe in a better future that prioritized individual sovereignty, market access, and freedom of expression in the arts.

Crypto art is a visual aesthetic that communicates these ideals. Those who rise to the challenge of creating crypto art are evangelists for a new socio-economic paradigm.

As the first cultural institution for the preservation and decentralization of crypto art, M○C△ has become the premier space for discourse around digital art, crypto culture, frontier technology, and the NFT revolution. It is an experimental playground for reawakening imagination. It is free-form, refuses stasis, and seeks inspiration and leadership from an inclusive and global community.

At M○C△’s heart is a public good and its stewardship. We developed M○C△ to align interests and safeguard the communal story of crypto art. Our governance token, $MOCA, and our M○C△ Multipass incentivize collaboration and allow individuals to add to and responsibly govern the world’s largest decentralized art collection. All of our tools, collections, and materials are available for free on our dApp, a central navigation hub for all things M○C△. Read more about the ethos behind our collections here:

M○C△ Art Collections

M○C△ was founded in April of 2020, and officially incorporated as Museum of Crypto Art Foundation Ltd. in March of 2021.

Core Philosophies


Crypto Art Timeline


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Check out M○C△’s SuperRare Space

Check out M○C△’s SuperRare Space

<aside> 💡 Wander through the Museum Agora Building in the Metaverse: https://somniumspace.com/parcel/3402?elv=-0.68


Our Footprint So Far